Your trademark is priceless and it deserves protection
A trademark is often the most important asset of a company. Customers recognize your products or services by a trademark or logo. So, you invest in it and build your reputation on it. Naturally, you don't want someone else to use your trademark or profit from with it. Therefore, the trademark has to be registered officially. Only with a trademark registration for a certain territory will you have legal protection and can you take legal action against any infringement.
For all things related to trademark protection, it is important to get the right advice and guidance. Our trademark attorney and consultants are experts in all aspects of trademark law, so that your trademark is well protected and you can continue to build a strong brand.

Protect your trademark in 3 steps
Check. We will check whether the trademark meets the legal requirements and is available. As a result, we will quickly know the likelihood of refusal by the trademark authority or of objection by earlier trademark owners, as well as how we can eliminate these risks.
Protect. We work together to determine the best protection strategy and the best route to take. We define the classification in accordance with the guidelines, file the application for the trademark with the relevant authorities, and supervise the registration process from start to finish.
Act. Once registered, you enjoy legal protection. You get a registration certificate and are able to use the ® sign. But both maintenance and monitoring are a must for proper protection. We are here for you to manage, watch, protect and act for you in case of infringement or proceedings.

Do you want to know if your trademark is suitable for protection?

Trademark registration Benelux (10 years)
Trademark registration fee incl 1 class €625,-
Trademark registration Europese Unie (10 jaar)
Trademark registration fee incl 1 class €1.450,-
Trademark registration Verenigd Koninkrijk (10 jaar)
Trademark registration fee incl 1 class €875,-
Trademark registration Verenigde Staten (10 years)
Trademark registration fee incl 1 class €1.100,-
Trademark registration China (10 years)
Trademark registration fee incl 1 class €900,-
Top 5 questions about trademark registration
To be eligible for trademark registration, a trademark must be distinctive for the products or services for which it is used/protected. A trademark may not describe a characteristic, nature or origin of the goods or services. In general, a trademark cannot be misleading or offensive either.
At IPCO we always assess, with no strings attached, whether a trademark meets the legal requirements.
When filing an application for a trademark registration it is always necessary to indicate the products or services for which the trademark will be used and therefore for which protection is desired. For administrative reasons, products and services are classified into categories, the so-called Nice Classification. This classification comprises 45 classes, of which 34 are product classes and 11 are service classes.
The classification determines the scope of protection of the trademark.
A thorough selection of the classes and the selection of the product and service designations is part of strategic considerations.
There are various types of trademarks. The best-known types are: a word mark (such as IPCO), a figurative mark (pure logo: such as the Nike-swoosh) or combined word/figurative marks. You can therefore register the same trademark in different ways, depending on the distinctive elements for which you wish to obtain protection.
A trademark registration procedure starts with a trademark application filed with a government body (authority). The authority will check whether the trademark meets the legal requirements and will then publish the trademark for opposition purposes. During the opposition phase, owners of older trademarks have the time to object (file an opposition). The opposition period is a fixed period, usually 2 months (Benelux) or 3 months (EU). If there is no refusal or no opposition, the trademark will be registered.
A trademark attorney is usually a professional in law specialized in the protection of intellectual property rights and has completed a 2 year professional training. A trademark attorney knows all the ins and outs of and for the protection of trademarks and designs and can also take effective action in the case of infringement. Although applying for a trademark may seem 'simple', there is a lot involved in ensuring that it is properly protected. Professional guidance is therefore a must.